With the power of artificial intelligence and virtual reality, our advanced technology offers delightful experiences and interactive environments for patients with dementia

old man using affordable virtual reality headsets

Reminiscence Therapy

The core purpose of reminiscence therapy is to engage patients in conversation about their life history which can positively impact cognitive, emotional, and social well-being. This psychotherapeutic approach can address the cognitive and emotional needs of individuals with dementia.This therapeutic technique can be administered individually or in group sessions utilizing photographs, music, or personal mementos to stimulate memories and foster discussions.


Old woman using virtual reality headset for cognitive care


Reminiscence therapy (RT) aligns with the principles of human-centered care that value an individual's life history. It provides cognitive benefits for individuals with dementia, particularly in memory and orientation.RT reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety, and it provides a sense of purpose and emotional relief to improve quality of life. RT improves communication skills and promotes social engagement, crucial for maintaining relationships.The Journal of Alzheimer's Disease emphasizes the importance of providing personalized care plans tailored to the unique needs and experiences of each individual.

Case Study

Studies suggest that traditional reminiscence therapy can significantly improve the well-being of seniors. Virtual reality technology has the potential to make experiences more immersive and impactful. The staff at Central Parke tested VR therapy by placing a headset on Mr. Faulkner, who could simulate walking along the Cliffs of Moher in western Ireland, just as he’d done with his wife several years earlier.This was a turning point for Mr. Faulkner and three months later, he was doing a 45-minute V.R. reminiscence therapy session every Monday. Ms. Mwilu said he required less medication for anxiety and became more social, improving his quality of life.

Findings from the Canadian Institute of Health

On average, 1 in 4 seniors age 85+ have been diagnosed with dementia, and the number of people living with dementia is rising. The Canadian senior population is expected to rise 68% over the next 20 years. Seniors with dementia reside in local communities, and family members and primary care caregivers require support to help manage dementia care.In long-term care homes, seniors experience increased use of restraints and antipsychotics and are hospitalized more frequently. Extended hospital stays make seniors susceptible to harm.

Debangsha Sarkar

MSc. Computer Science